Past Activities
May 9 - 17, 2015: The Committee to Honor America's Veterans participated in the Harley-Davidson Bike Week at the Harley-Davidson Beach House, Highway 17 in Shallotte. Thank you to all the staff at Harley-Davidson and to all who contributed to the Veterans' Memorial.

April 26, 2015: Thank you to the Old Bridge Preservation Society, the loyal supporters at the Silver Coast Winery, and all who visited our booth and donated to the Veterans' Memorial at the Strawberry Wine Festival.

March 7, 2015: The Committee had a booth at the Brunswick Chamber of Commerce-sponsored Home and Garden Show at West Brunswick High School. It was a great success; thank you to all who came by and supported the Veterans' Memorial.
October 18-19, 2014: The Committee had a booth at the Ocean Isle Beach Oyster Festival. Thank you to all who came by and supported our efforts to build the Veterans' Memorial.
October 8, 2014: The Committee organized a golf tournament at the Brick Landing Plantation Golf Club that cleared over $20,000 to help build the Veterans' Memorial in Sunset Beach Town Park. See details on the Golf Tournament tab. Thanks to all the generous donors and participants.
October 4, 2014: The Committee had a booth and enjoyed a beautiful day at the Sunset @ Sunset festival in Sunset Beach. Thank you to all who came by and supported our efforts to build the Veterans' Memorial.

September 6, 2014: The Committee had a booth at the Silver Coast Winery Purple Feet Festival. Thank you to Maryann Azzato, Chris Kelley, Debbie Kordiak, and all the Silver Coast team for their support and to all who visited, donated, or ordered a brick.

July 19, 2014: George Mangelsdorf (on left), Faithful Navigator and Raymond Gromadski, (on right) Faithful Admiral and Past Faithful Navigator of Our Lady of LaSalette Assembly 3115, Knights of Columbus, at St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church, present a US flag flown over the US Capitol at the request of Congressman Mike McIntyre on June 3, 2014 in honor of the Committee to Honor America's Veterans. John Corbett, First Vice Chairman, received the flag on behalf of the Committee. In addition, the Knights donated a brick to the Memorial.

May 30, 2014: The Committee and the Silver Coast Winery hosted a Wine Release Party at Silver Coast Winery, 5:00 - 7:00 PM, to celebrate the inaugural batch of Veterans' Memorial Wines --- Red, Blush, and White. Well over 100 guests attended enjoying an evening of good wine and camaraderie.
May 26, 2014: Congressman Mike McIntyre gave the keynote speech at the dedication of the Veterans' Memorial flag pole and first flag-raising at the Town of Sunset Beach-hosted Memorial Day Ceremony in the Sunset Beach Town Park at the location of the future Veterans' Memorial. Mayor Ron Watts officiated. LTC, US Army Retired, Gordon Coulson conducted the dedication with an honor guard of Sunset Beach Police and Fire Department members following the invocation by Reverend Merlin Boone. WWII veteran Robert Bradicich read a stirring poem honoring our departed veterans. Linda Ladrick beautifully sang the national anthem, Boy Scout Troop 201 laid the memorial wreath, and buglers Steven Baker and Ben Simmons capped off the ceremony with a moving rendition of Taps. Thanks to all the Town of Sunset Beach officials who contributed to this outstanding event and to all who attended.
May 9-18, 2014: The Committee had a booth at Beach House Harley Davidson for the Bike Week sponsored by Beach House Harley-Davidson. Thanks to owners Rick and Jan Noyes and all the team at the Beach House for their great support and a very successful event.
May 3, 2014: The Committee to Honor America's Veterans participated in the Old Bridge Preservation Society's 2d Annual Strawberry and Wine Festival at the Silver Coast Winery. Thanks to everyone in the OBPS and at the Winery for helping to make this a very successful and fun event. And a special thanks to the Imitations from Wilmington for the great music and the moving patriotic medley, as well as to all who visited and supported our Memorial.

March 13, 2014: BEMC Board of Directors Presented a check for $2,500 to the Committee to support building the Veterans' Memorial.
February 15 - 16, 2014: The Committee to Honor America's Veterans had a booth at the Brunswick Home & Garden Show at the Sea Trail Convention Center. Thank you to Mandee Williams and the Brunswick County Chamber of Commerce as well as all who visited our booth and who donated or ordered a brick.
February 1, 2014: The Committee to Honor America's Veterans had a booth at the Silver Coast Winery art show and bon fire, courtesy of the winery. Thank you to Maryann Azzato, Chris Kelley and all the Silver Coast team for their support and to all who visited, donated, or ordered a brick.
December 7, 2013: The Committee to Honor America's Veterans had a booth at the Shallotte Christmas Parade. Regrettably, the weather did not cooperate and we along with other vendors closed our booths. We will try again next year.
October 13, 2013: The Support the Veterans' Memorial concert at The Village Park in Sunset Beach was a great success. Thanks to Homemade Jam for a great concert; to Jay Kerr for organizing; and to all who supported, donated, and ordered bricks. And a special thank you to MacDonalds for the 150 dessert coupons distributed to attendees at the concert.
October 5, 2013: The campaign to build the Veterans' Memorial began with a booth at the Sunset at Sunset festival in Sunset Beach. Thank you to all who visited and contributed.