Committee Activities
General Meeting: Monthly, 2d Friday at 1:15 PM, at Sunset Beach Town Hall.
Future Activities
November 11, 2024 1:00 PM: Veterans Day Ceremony at the Veterans' Memorial in Sunset Beach Town Park; co-hosted with the Town of Sunset Beach
May 26, 2025, 10:00 AM: Memorial Day Ceremony in Sunset Beach Town Park. Co-hosted with the Town of Sunset Beach. Guest Speaker: TBD
September 11, 2025, 2:00 PM: Ceremony to Remember Victims of 9/11 in Sunset Beach Town Park; co-hosted with the Town of Sunset Beach
Recent Fund Raising Activities & Ceremonies
October 5, 2024: Sunset at Sunset Town Festival, in Sunset Beach Town Park.
September 11, 2024, 2:00 PM: Ceremony to Remember Victims of 9/11 in Sunset Beach Town Park; co-hosted with the Town of Sunset Beach
May 27, 2024, 10:00 AM: Memorial Day Ceremony in Sunset Beach Town Park. Co-hosted with the Town of Sunset Beach. Guest Speaker: Brigadier General Kip P. Nygren.
April 28, 2024, Noon - 5:00 PM: Strawberry & Wine Festival, Sunset Beach Town Park. Thank you to all who supported out Memorial.
April 19, 2024, 10 AM - 2:00 PM: Town of Sunset Beach Arbor & Earth Day, Sunset Beach Town Park. Thank you to all who supported out Memorial.
November 11, 2023 1:00 PM: Veterans Day Ceremony held in Fire Station #1 due to inclement weather; co-hosted with the Town of Sunset Beach. Guest Speaker: Brigadier General Edward P. Naessens, Jr.
October 7, 2023: Sunset at Sunset Town Festival, in Sunset Beach Town Park. Thank you to all who supported our Memorial.
September 11, 2023, 2:00 PM: Ceremony to Remember Victims of 9/11 in Sunset Beach Town Park; co-hosted with the Town of Sunset Beach.
April 16, 2023, Noon - 5:00 PM: Strawberry & Wine Festival, Sunset Beach Town Park. Thank you to all who supported our Memorial.
November 11, 2022 1:00 PM: Veterans Day Ceremony. Cancelled due to inclement weather.
September 11, 2022, 2:00 PM: Ceremony to Remember Victims of 9/11 in Sunset Beach Town Park; co-hosted with the Town of Sunset Beach
May 30, 2022: Memorial Day Ceremony in Sunset Beach Town Park. Co-hosted with the Town of Sunset Beach.
We had a very successful 7th Veterans Memorial Golf Outing on June 1, 2022 at the Thistle Golf Club in honor our former Chairman Gordy Coulson. Thank you to all who sponsored, donated, and participated. See complete details at the Golf tab.
April 24, 2022, Noon - 5:00 PM: Strawberry & Wine Festival, Sunset Beach Town Park. Thank you to all who supported our Memorial.
November 11, 2021, Veterans Day Ceremony at the Veterans' Memorial in Sunset Beach Town Park; co-hosted with the Town of Sunset Beach.
October 24, 2021: Participated in the Fall Wine Festival hosted by the Old Bridge Historical Society in the Sunset Beach Town Park. Thank you to the many who donated.
September 11, 2021: Ceremony to Remember Victims of 9/11 in Sunset Beach Town Park
We had a very successful 6th Veterans Memorial Golf Tournament on June 16, 2021 at the Thistle Golf Club. Thank you to all who sponsored, donated, and participated. See complete details at the Golf tab. Due to Covid-19, we did not have a tournament in 2020 so we no longer title these as "annual" tournaments.
May 31, 2021: Memorial Day Ceremony in Sunset Beach Town Park

The November 11, 2019 Veterans Day Ceremony at the Veterans Memorial in Sunset Beach Town Park; co-hosted with the Town of Sunset Beach, was a great success. In addition to celebrating our Veterans, the CHAV donated $5,000 to the Brunswick Family Assistance Veterans Program. Thank you to the Town Staff, Police Department, Fire Department, and Public Works Department. And thank you to our Sunset Beach non-profit volunteers from Sunset Vision and the Old Bridge Historical Society volunteers who assisted.
We again had a very successful day at the October 5, 2019 Sunset at Sunset Festival in Sunset Beach. Thank you to all who donated and visited in support of our Veterans Memorial and Veterans Assistance Program.
We had a very successful 5th Annual Veterans Memorial Golf Tournament on June 5, 2019 at the Thistle Golf Club. Thank you to all who sponsored, donated, and participated. See complete details at the Golf tab.
One more time, thank you to all who visited and contributed to the Veterans Memorial at the April 28, 2019 Strawberry Wine Festival hosted by the Old Bridge Preservation Society in the Sunset Beach Town Park.
Thank you to all who supported, donated, and participated in our 4th Annual Veterans Memorial Golf Tournament on June 6, 2018. See the Golf tab for details.
Thank you to all who visited and contributed to the Veterans Memorial at the April 29, 2018 Strawberry Wine Festival hosted by the Old Bridge Preservation Society in the Sunset Beach Town Park.
We had another spectacular day at the Sunset at Sunset Festival in Sunset Beach on October 7, 2017. Thank you for all your support and donations.

The Committee to Honor America’s Veterans presented its first grant of $2,000 under its new Veterans Assistance Program (VAP) to the Calabash Elks Veterans Affairs Committee (VAC) on August 29, 2016. The grant was used to construct storage facilities at the Veterans Welcome Home & Resource Center in Little River. Photo, L-R: Austin Sammon, Chairman, Calabash Elks Veterans Affairs Committee; Kris Tourtelotte, Director, Veterans Welcome Home & Resource Center; John Corbett, 1st Vice Chair, Committee to Honor America's Veterans.
Thank you to all who visited us at the Purple Feet Festival on September 17, 2016 at the Silver Coast Winery.

Thank you to all who visited us and provided support at the Old Bridge Preservation Society's Strawberry Wine Festival at the Silver Coast Winery on April 24, 2016. Photo, L-R: Gordon Coulson, John Corbett, Charlie Nern, Karen Joseph.
Thank you to all who visited us at the Brunswick County Chamber of Commerce Home & Garden Show at Shallotte Middle School on March 12, 2016.
Thank you to all who visited us and provided support at the at the Sunset at Sunset festival on October 10, 2015 in front of Ingram Planetarium in Sunset Beach. This was our most successful single day fund raising event.
Thank you to all who visited us and provided support at the Purple Feet Festival on September 19, 2015, at the Silver Coast Winery in Ocean Isle Beach.

The Committee to Honor America's Veterans gathered in Sunset Beach Town Park on July 10, 2015, to update the "thermometer" sign showing progress in raising funds to construct the Veterans' Memorial. As of the end of June 2015 $149,100 has been raised with a goal of $200,000. We thank all who have and continue to support the project to build the Veterans' Memorial.

Maryann Azzato, owner of Silver Coast Winery, on July 10, 2015, presented a donation of $1,836 to the members of the Committee to Honor America's Veterans to help construct the Veterans' Memorial. The donation is from the proceeds from the sale of a special production of Veterans' Memorial-labeled wine.

ATMC awarded a grant of $2,000 to the Committee to Honor America's Veterans at a ceremony on June 16, 2015. Committee Chairman Gordon Coulson along with Karen Joseph and Lou DeVita, accepted the grant to help construct the Veterans' Memorial. Gordon Coulson is show in the photo reporting on the progress in fund raising and progress in building the Memorial.

The Committee to Honor America’s Veterans, on February 13, 2015, presented a framed “Proud Supporter” flag to Rich Dobkin, owner of Fibber McGees in Sunset Beach, in recognition of his $3,600 in donations and services provided to the Veterans’ Memorial Golf Tournament. Gordy Coulson, left, Chairman, and John Corbett, right, 1st Vice Chairman, represented the Committee. Photo was published in the Brunswick Beacon on March 12.

Committee Chairman Gordy Coulson presents a framed Hole Sponsor Flag to Sunset Beach Mayor Ron Watts in appreciation of the support provided by the Mayor and the Town Council members to our "Help Build a Veterans' Memorial" golf tournament held October 8, 2014 at the Brick Landing Plantation Golf Course. The presentation was made on November 4, 2014 at the start of the Sunset Beach Town Council's monthly town meeting.
October 8, 2014: See the results of the First Annual Veterans' Memorial Golf Tournament under the "golf" tab.