Veterans' Memorial Golf Tournament Results
April 27, 2016
Brick Landing Plantation Golf Course
The Committee to Honor America's Veterans expresses our deepest appreciation to those who generously contributed to our Veterans' Memorial Golf Tournament. Over $19,000 was donated to help support the Veterans' Memorial and our Phase 2 mission of helping organizations that help veterans. Please see our Golf Tournament tab for a list of golfers and hole sponsors. Additionally, we would like to thank Jamie Lynn---our parachutist with the 18' US flag and his team, all the staff at Brick Landing for their excellent support, to Rich Dobkin and Fibber McGees for lunch, to R.A. Jeffery's Distributor, to Myrtle Beach Automotive for their support in the hole-in-one contest, and to all who donated gifts and prizes. It was a great day and the tournament was an outstanding success.